Monday, April 23, 2018

Pyramid of SUCCESS

The pyramid of success
~John Wooden
  1. Create a new post-The Pyramid of Success
  2. Write each new block in Pyramid of Success post
  3. Write a reflection paragraph (at least 12 sentences) about each new block. Include an example of that new block
  4. Research, find, and insert a quote about this new block
  5. Research, find, and insert a picture depicting this new block
  6. Write how you will apply this new block in your own life

Block 1: Industriousness
"There is no substitute for work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning."

Hard work pays off. in my opinion this quote is trying to say. i shall work harder and be more motivated. less un enthusiastic. i'm sick and my head really hurts. normally i would have something to say but i am really sick i sound like a dying old dog. you don't know the pain my throat is feeling right now. i have football practice after school and my legs still hurt from Friday. honestly i am working hard because i came to school. and i plan on staying for my classes and practice. my nose is burning because of how many times I've wiped it with my sweater. i feel really light headed. but a true CTR student stays in class no matter what. i cannot believe how many sick people are here at school. and how little the teacher cares about us. i will apply this block in my life by going to practice everyday. and pushing my body to the limit.

Block 2: Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins."

it seems like i went home early

Block 3: Friendship
"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."

This block means you should always try hard so you won't lose what you worked for. my parents aren't together anymore. i guess you can say this is one of the reasons. it's been rough for my siblings and i. we have to choose were we're going to sleep whether with my mom or my dad. But i know being a CTR student will bring me more friends and a bright day. So recently my friend "Giovanny Leon" has left to Florida i'm not sure if they're going to stay there or not. but for i stay in school alone.

Block 4: Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."

i think this is going more into the fact that you should be able to say no besides your friend without any repercussions. personally a friend that understands what no is. is a friend that is good to be around. loyalty is key in a relationship. being true to one another will show your companion how you are willing to go the extra mile for her/him. my parents had a lot of problems and this was one of them. luckily i know the problem and how to prevent it from happening to me. today feels like a good day i get to stay at my dads house. we have an hour of study hall and an hour of weights for football. and i get to play my guitar and bass and which ever other instrument i have in my garage. I recently learned how to play PLUG IN BABY by muse. so that was entertaining but i wanna go home and learn PSYCHO by muse on the bass. so yeah... This is my way of expressing feeling and doing my work.

Block 5: Cooperation
"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way. "

my definition of cooperation is putting in your part in any task. in a relationship you should be willing to go that extra mile even if you guys met half way. in a project everyone should help and share information that can help for the project. it is hard to do something if someone wont cooperate. when you get pulled over by a police it is well known to cooperate instead of getting shot by a rookie. most of the times when people get shot its because a rookie over reacts. talk about rookies and guns and less acknowledged people. i dont think teachers should be able to carry guns. i feel like a teacher would pull up in the quad and ask if you've done your homework while rubbing his/her gun on their head. but in the end we are all human and make mistakes and that's why the Florida school shooter should go to jail.

Block 6: Ambition (For noble goals)

ambition in my words would be like thriving for something. looking foward to success. something like that. in the dictionary it is a desire to achieve. noble is like showing high morals/fine personal qualities. so noble goals would be like setting a goal to be noble. i dont know. this is lowkey confusing. it doesnt go into detail like the other quotes. it doesnt specify so in general just be your self. if you can believe you can achieve. "the sun is gone, but i have a light" ~ kurt cobain "Woman are like guitars, you can never get them right."~ slash the only thing i can say is go listen to tupac "my ambitions as a rider" since we're talking about ambitions. rappers from the old days can be inspirational. like Eminem he would go thru the dictionary and rhyme words. just like tupac.

< This meme got me, the video is funnier

Block 7: Self-Control
"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."

umm. in my point of humanly view i think this means that people should be self aware about themselves. by being self-fish. i dont think i always think about others before my self. i feel like people got more to offer than me like i only offer attention, support, the truth and music. while others work for people like their families. it might just be me mixing the words up in my head. but i guess we'll never really know whats wrong with me. i feel like everyone has problems. like from the smallest atom/cell to god himself. we were all born differnet with different tallents. with different hair, eye color, and charcteristics. no one is really perfect you can be the richest person and be married and have kids but deep inside you're lonely and heartbroken. because no sees you as you. no one really knows you. for christmas i got an apple watch from my mom it was a series 3 apple watch. i didnt really want it but i apreciated the gift. i got with my dad. and he told me "i know its not much but i saw it and i thought you might like it." it a slim shady lp album disc. that gift was worth more than anthing else. it really is the thought that counts. i can go on for days of how happy i was with the disc and how many times i played it over and over again. it made all my problems go away. like if i was the only one here and no one could stop me from doing whatever i want.
^-really true
Block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."

i think this means that you should welcome new things into your life. there is no harm in trying something new. you may never know what waits for you in the pile of things you had never tried. i never really thought i'll ever play the guitar as i do now. in my perspective i'm pretty beast. i never thought i would join football. but there i am. i never thought i would play/own so many instruments yet here i am. learning how to play the drums, shredding the guitar, and bumping the bass. not only that but my dad is always encouraging me to learn a new language. i was studying Portuguese for a while but i stopped because i had too much on my plate. but i'm going to try again. this was my pyramid of success block 8.
Block 9: Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."

failure is something we go through once in a while. some people more than others. my dad once told me "to fail, doesn't mean to lose, it means you should learn from that experience and do it better." i was bullied from first grade all through eighth grade. i had learned if i don't try i wont fail. and i wont get laughed at because i didn't do it right or something. once i got into high school my mom told me "you have to join a sport." at the beginning i didn't think much of it. i tried soccer and it didn't work out for me there was too many @-holes. i don't like basketball and at the time everyone made it seem like football was really hard and they were strict on the try outs. so the only sports left were the swim team, and wrestling. Erik the kid that told me to join told me i should go see  them practice so i can decide if i like it or not. i told myself, "i am not going to go see i'm going to get there ready for practice. and so i did. the first day i was dying of how hard the practice was. everyone made it look easy. and no matter what they tell you i went through the same practice as them we went to pretty much the same matches together and i stayed off season for tournaments. to me what counts is that i stayed all season and off season. i always made weight. i always worked out and i supported them but i can see "being too nice can get you fucked over 100% of the time." and if you ask me what i am doing at the moment is football and i'm trying even harder to prove that shitty coach and his disciples  that they have no right to tell me i was trash cuz i'm gonna get bigger and stronger and soon i'll pick on them.
Block 10: Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations and being determined and persistent."

Everyday we are tempted to make the wrong choice. not only do some of us "Choose the Wrong" but we don't reflect upon our actions. the way i see it we are on a scale of good and bad choices. we decide which side weighs more. if we do bad choices all the time the left is going to weigh more. doing something right can give you self respect. at least that's how i see it. when i do something good i take pride in myself because out of all these people i was the only one kind enough to help. i believe we are all here for a significant reason. everyday i try  to figure out what it can be for me. could it be i'm destined to be in a band. or in college playing football. or out of school and working with my dad. or do i have no place. 

Block 11: Sincerity (keeps friends)

this quote is to not be a hypocrite. a hypocrite for me is like setting a rule no one should break but at the end you break it yourself. if i say screaming in the library is prohibited and i scream that makes me a hypocrite. it is also the virtue of one who communicates and acts in accordance with their feelings, beliefs, thoughts, and desires. it is also the quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy. so yesterday i got football gloves and a new mouth gaurd. i was at the park and i got them dirty. i dont know why but they dont have the same grip now. but thanks to this desktop i researched how to keep my gloves clean and sticky (with a lot of grip). 
Block 12: Adaptability (to any situation)

In my biology book i read in order for species to survive they need to adapt to changes in the weather and their surroundings. if you are able to adapt with what is occurring then you are most likely able to survive. Adaptation can be as little from adjusting to rules up to a divorce or a death. i have learn to adapt in my moms house when certain people are over. my parents will never be the same and i know that. but at least i get to see both of them. i am one of those people that believe after a break up we shouldn't say anything bad about  them because in a point of our lives we liked each other and didn't care about our flaws. Our flaws is what makes us unique. i never try to be perfect. i admit i dont like Ms. Dev she says if we dont like her we should "Fake it til we make it." but im going to say true to myself and plainly not like her.
Block 13: Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."

i feel this explains what i need to do. because i haven't been going to practice and in my head i think/know that i am the weakest, weirdest, and the most clueless one there. the coach would run a play and i dont know what to do i get stuck between my problems, schoolwork, and the plays that there are times i can't even talk right. i know it is not good to avoid a problem but i try not to get into any problems. so if you walk in to the dining room and push me and tell me to get off the seat. i most likely will and if you're pushing your luck you might get a black eye. i have a lot of problems and mental problems. i can be very passive and then be aggressive. i'm like a dog that has never been taught how to love but has only been taught to protect, attack, and have standards. by standards i mean limits to who and where to fight. i have no friends that i really talk to in football and Enrique left. i am stuck there by myself.
Block 14: Skill
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."

i dont know what the quote has to do with "skill" skill to me is a set of special actions people have. and they are called "skill sets" my skill sets is endurance and i don't break under pressure. but yeah so i will now attempt to show you guys my lyrics.

"They try to make me non-generic
But it's in my genetics
To believe
To believe that my prayers/dreams would come true
The only words i know is believe and achieve
Although sometimes your day can go South
It was a day that turned into a year
Never knowing when this is going to stop
I sit in my garage with a broken compass
While my drunken uncle speaks about his problems
I see the compass and north points at me
Trying to follow the compass
Leading me in circles
In my sleep i think about why it would point at me
When my dad says "you choose how you live your life"
^i don't know it doesn't really rhyme

Block 15:  Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."

i do not know what this is trying to say but i can try to pretend to know. i think this is talking about being a team. like the justice league and the teen titans. yes they are strong but they are stronger together. so like any person i think "team spirit" is like school spirit when you dress with school uniform and beanies and scarves. "representing" so team spirit must be wearing your jersey/shirt/hat/singlet. in the end of it all we are all lonely in this cruel place called earth. 
#aliens attack?
Block 16: Honesty (in thought and action)
"Honesty is the best policy." (Ben Franklin)

Every/Any relationship should be honest with one another. there are so many things that can go wrong without honesty. But you could go far if you are honest. if you cheated on someone/something you should face the facts that there are repercussions to your actions. " for every good there is a bad." <this quote doesn't really apply to everything we go through in life. no one is perfect and i know that because i am not. i have learned to forgive and forget. in health class my freshman year i learned that there are stages of grief. i have witnessed these stages upfront. at the end of the day no one can help you as much as yourself. 

Block 17: Resourcefulness (proper judgment)
 “Make the most out of what you have.” (Anonymous)
"If you have a dream, if you have something you've always wanted to do, look within yourself because that is where resourcefulness resides; and go for it. (Jennifer Witterick)

there's many songs out there. but is there really a song you can hear while hitting a bong, or as simple as walking a dog. glaring at the air as if you cared. clearing a path that's full of wrath. never knowing when you'll stop tearing the pain away. it's a stain after using his name in vein. any sin would make this man cringe. so stay home and binge. it's hurting your bones to see all these people without homes or people to love. like a dove representing peace. 

Block 18: Poise
"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation."

the definition i found on poise was "graceful and elegant bearing in a person." so i think this quote means that by being yourself you are making life less complicated. atleast that's how i see this quote. today is the day that we're gonna throw it back to you. somehow i barely realised that i want meant for you. i don't believe that anybody feels the way i do about you now.  

Block 19: Confidence 
"Thorough preparation breeds confidence" Gerald Bell in "The Carolina Way"

Confidence is basically to have the"huevos" to talk in front of a croud. it is being sure that you're right. Confidence can bring you a lot of good things to life. 
Seven Signs of a Confident person ↷

  1. Confident people believe they can
  2. there is no obstacle too high for them
  3. Have responsibilities
  4. are most loved
  5. boring
  6. weird
  7. not normal
Block 20: Reliability (creates respect)
Reliability is the quality of being trustworthy. Or of performing consistently well. It creates respect because you are trusted and a hard worker. so yeah.

Block 21: Fight (determined effort)
Fighting can bring you many things starting with consequences. it can bring you respect but there are other ways to get respect. there is never really a purpose for a fight unless you are defending yourself. then its a different thing. i remember when i fought oscar he brought all his friends (20 people) along with him and once everyone jumped in to fight he backed away and a truck came to pick him up like really dude. he got in the car faster than starving prostitute. 

Block 22: Competitive Greatness
" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."
So everyone is saying wrestling isn't a sport. in my point of view it is a sport. Because if it wasnt a sport than that makes the swim team is not sport. From what i know it is an individual sport. like you get your points and at the end you add up everyones points. thats a reason why i like wrestling all  you have to do is worry about yourself.
< The picture you asked me for
Block 23: Integrity (purity of intention)
i don't know what integrity is. all i know is that Tuesday is better than any Monday. lighting up a tree to be free of unneeded feelings. feeling like you're ten feet tall. not knowing if you're scared or having fun you party until you hear yourself fall. waking up you realize you cannot escape reality. It all happened so swift now you beg for more. it fills the missing piece in your heart and you don't wanna let go. predicting you're addicted not knowing where to turn. so you put on your mask and pretend life is just a dream...

Block 24: Faith (through prayer)
Believe and Achieve. Positive belief.
Faith believing in something with high power. the way i see it believing in a better place after death. i like to think once we're dead there is no after life or heaven. i don't know what there is. i have learned that you cannot be disappointed if you never expect much. 

Block 25: Patience (good things take time)
in this block it is trying to say with patience good thing will come. i don't disagree completely that good things come because most of the time good things do come. i was patient enough to see infinity war but thank the lord Einstein i waited because the wait was worth the hour waiting in a line to see the premiere.  

Write one final reflection, at least 25 sentences or 300 words, on the 25 blocks of the Pyramid of Success. Include this reflection at the end of your Pyramid of Success post. Include a picture or two. 

I have learned a lot of things from these 25 blocks. not only have i wasted my time because none of this is used in my life. just like geometry none of this is applied to me. i dont plan to go to college. and i dont believe of graduating high school. not only have the teachers made things hard but what we do here such as the IDP. i have been stressed for days because of it and we're not even close to the actual presentation. i have thought very deeply about moving schools just because of the teachers. there are the teachers that actually help such as Mr.Martinez and there are teachers like Ms.Dev talking about dogs and then handing us tests on things that are irrelevant to dogs expecting us to pass. i am failing about 3-4 of my classes the only thing that has me at a 2.0 is p.e and jazz band. and apparently i cant take it again unless i am willing to sign up as a t.a and help the students which i dont want to do. at this point Hp high school doesnt seem like a bad choice. I am most certain in the next 2 years here i will be told that i will be kicked out because of my attendance and because of my grades. i'm not even passing spanish and Loza gives us the answers at the end. i am certain if i move schools that wont fix anything. i do not know what to do i am thinking of so many things on a daily basis every second i have something new to worry about. 

oh gosh

i liked the fact that the teacher started doing his job even though he might have stepped a mile over the limit a couple times. i didnt like...