Monday, August 21, 2017

9 ways post

                                          Image result for Gordon B. Hinckley Funeral
                                                         Image result for Gordon B. Hinckley Funeral
Be grateful:
I think being grateful is an important part in life. Being grateful can help you in so many ways. Starting at home. Being grateful to your parents is the most important part about being well educated. Not only at home but towards your teacher/substitute. That can make your teachers like you. I can use this to get friends by thanking everything my friends help me with and not complaining.
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Be Smart:
Being smart involves not doing drugs. Drugs are bad because they don't help you in life. For example people say tobacco/marijuana are both gateway drugs to more serious drugs. But people don't realize that there are some that can control the use of drugs. Being honest is also being smart. When you are honest it looks good on yourself when people see it. Complimenting one another can be a way to be smart because you are being kind. The golden rule (treat people how you want to be treated). Use of this rule can lead to you gaining friends or even getting along with teachers. We can be smart by doing our work in school and not slacking off. Doing our school work shows initiative and most teachers like that.
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Be Involved:
                    Being involved in school is easy. You can be in a sport or club. There should be many clubs at your school. If not your school should have sports. If your school has none of these. You basically have no possible way to be involved. Unless you help out your school staff. Or clean up school trash. Getting involved can be by helping the teacher with his/her stuff.

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-Be Clean:

Being clean shows manners. It shows no matter how dirty you get your hands your work space is still clean. It makes you look professional.sometimes being clean is a good thing. But being too clean can make you go paranoid. Every food place is required to have the kitchen clean. They are also required to wear gloves when making food so the food can be clean. Being clean is good because if you're not you can be sick or you can even die. Cars look nice when they are clean. That also makes you look more sophisticated. Cleaning the environment can be one way to be clean another can be by cleaning our house or where we work.
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Be True:

Being true means be kind. A person isn't happy without being true to him/herself. This can involve not spreading rumors. And telling the truth when needed. Spreading rumors is wrong. Not only wrong but can cause a lot of problems. For example if you tell someone a specific thing they are later gonna change it up and tell someone else.And at the end over 100 people are gonna have different stories to tell. So whether you like it or not you will be the only one knowing the truth. And lies are just like rumors but can be worst. So being true can help you in life. Not only will you be true to yourself but to other as well.
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Be Positive:

Being positive is like keeping your head up even when you’re low. Positivity is the key to success. Everyone wants to succeed in life why not accomplish that goal. It is really easy. And you can start by being positive. Have a positive attitude when you wake up that way you spread good vibes and make other people's day good.
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Be Humble:

Be yourself and not what someone wants you to be. The only way to be humble is by making no friends. Talking to nobody but yourself. And allowing the teachers to hate on you. Or you can listen to Kendrick Lamar's song and sit down. In my life there is no one here for me but my mom. So the moral of this story let the teacher bully you and trust no one.
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Be Still:
Being inactive is like being still. I think. Be unenthusiastic is what he’s trying to say. If you've ever seen Rick and Morty you would know that they always go on adventures and have fun. Being still is the complete opposite. And it limits you in life. What's the point of living you're not gonna do anything ever in your life. “Be careful, choose the right, you are bullying the teacher, be respectful, etc.” that's what they all say not because they're mean but because they've spent their whole lives doing nothing but being fair and truthful. Honestly that is a waste of my time. I'd rather spend my life doing something i like. Or you can calm yourself in situations where you cannot control your emotions anymore.
So in conclusion my life is a total lie and mr.haymore hates me. 👿

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Be Prayerful:
THERE IS NO GOD. In my opinion there is no such existence of a being with higher power than everyone else and is able to control anything. If there was a god there wouldn't be a corrupt person as president. Why should i waste time praying for something that doesn't exist. God was invented just so can believe in someone and not be scared every time someone says “it's the end of the world.” I remember when people said the world was going to end. That day my grandma was praying hard. I told her there is no point in praying. I stopped talking to her. Only scientists can truly know when the world will end. BELIEVE IN RICK!!!

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Final reflection:
I really hated doing this. Besides the point that haymore was always telling us to do our work when most of the times we were. He got on my nerves. But since i'm a nice person. I'll let him be. Because in a different dimension he is way nicer and smarter. VOTE RICK FOR PRESIDENT.


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oh gosh

i liked the fact that the teacher started doing his job even though he might have stepped a mile over the limit a couple times. i didnt like...