"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you’re going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."
As long as you do not walk behind someone's shadow you will succeed. this quote means if you are always being looked down on and not do anything to rise up and be as good as then you'll never be anything. its good to have role models. you learn from them. just never try to be like them because you can always be better. being like your role model wont change anything. lets say your role model is an actor. you want to look like them. so you hit the gym. but once you have their physical appearance what else do you do. nothing. in order for people to look up to you, you have to be better than them. everyone is different. by our attitudes, moods, faces, the way we talk. how we walk, our motto in life, our family. everything is different. I play various instruments and Mr.Haymore teaches students, we all do something different.
Key 2: Competence
I think this quote means that if you try your absolute best you will succeed. This motivational quote states the harder you work the better your success would be. As long as you complete your task you will achieve greatness. I think it's best to have fun while working on something. I like to listen to music when i am doing pretty much anything. I get anxious if i don't listen to music in a lot of time. I have try not working hard and taking the easy way out. But that just makes things harder and takes a lot more effort. So i might as well do my job as im supposed to. In conclusion, if you're feeling down and don't know what to do. Don't give up and try again. Success comes after pain.
Key 3: Concentration
"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself “Is this the best use of my time?” before you start anything."
i think this means to enjoy yourself while you still live. if you stay your whole life angry and frustrated. you will regret everything you didn't do when you were able to. i know how this feels because i regret not being able to do all my homework last year. and that caused me to get bad grades.
Key 4: Common Sense
- Train your mind
- think things through
- listen to your intuition
- learn from setbacks
i think this means that common sense isn't only what is obvious but what it should be too. training your mind will set a higher bar so you can reach higher goals. think about your options. learn from your mistakes and don't be afraid to try. if at first you don't succeed try again. never give up. believe in the process of your training. playing guitar was never easy for me but i didn't give up. and i think i'm pretty good now.
![Image result for common sense](https://commonsensecasting.com/sites/default/files/common-sense-logo.png)
Key 5: Creativity
"Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions."
This is basically saying dont judge a book by its cover. everyone was made the same. and at the end of the day we are all very smart. we all go through tough situations. if it wasnt for eve telling adam to bite the apple. we would basically be free of problems. have peace everywhere. but with every good comes an evil. the good that we have is god/religion and the evil is satan. no one is perfect but if you fall into temptation you too will be choosing the wrong. it is easy to do wrong and can be hard to do good sometimes. i can easily stand up and leave class/school without saying anything to anyone. i am capable of walking out of school through the front office. or even jump the gate to leave.
![Image result for creativity](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1920/1*UMsG3LGMxocow73__5orvQ.jpeg)
Key 6: Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history."
this basically means that the people you are around will reflect on how you act or are. if you are around bad vibes you will too feel bad. being able to communicate well with others will show you are very educated. and you will speak up for yourself or others. listen to others. like in the movies where the parents get divorced because the man doesn't listen to her. but now a days nobody can really understand a woman. And if you learn a word each day you can seem very smart.
Key 7: Consistency
"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."
Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work. Be the person that people can depend upon. That if you say you’ll do something you do it.."
this means that you should stay committed to what you like or what you're doing. when i was in wrestling i was committed i stayed for the whole on and off season. i find it frustrating seeing the wrestling teams Instagram post stuff about the quitters. i quit because of multiple reasons. and now the team except Jason treats me like garbage. so in order to not feel like me, stick to what you're in until the end of high school or don't join anything. people have said "if you tell someone they're useless enough times they'll start to believe it." in my opinion this is true because the coach would never acknowledge me and when he did it was to criticize me. i stay hoping i don't come across the coach because i am low key scared of him and he would say about me. i cant see with my right eye so ill finish it off like this.
Write an overall final reflection in this post regarding the "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." Include your deepest thoughts and feelings. Write what you commit to do to apply the seven habits.
i honestly dont think much of these 7 quotes. at this point i only like this class because of scratch an only because i can make my own beats and sounds on there. and there are a lot of things to do in scratch. if you compare scratch to the class. scratch is better. you can do a lot of things. and you can predict days before what we are going to do in this class.so to end this paragraph with my thesis statement. scratch is better than this class.
Key 9: Courage
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."
to me this is saying if you think you are gonna fail you are right. you can never be too negative. i remember the day i got my guitar it was an electric guitar a "Fender Stratocaster" i remember plugging it to the amp and playing.it felt so weird because i had never held or played a guitar. i would get so frustrated because there was no one to help me learn. i had to learn on my own. i started learning thru youtube. but i soon realized i needed to learn a lot about the guitar such as the parts of it and the name of the strings. it wasn't until i signed up for an after school program. where a teacher had a music class (Mr.Lopez) and i asked him if he can help me. he took me in and showed me the basics. A month or two later we played "Boys don't cry by ~The Cure" i played the guitar the teacher was the vocalist this one girl was the drummer and i forgot who the bass was. what i'm trying to say is that "The first step to succeeding is failing ~ Will Smith" or "if at first you don't succeed, try again. ~ idk"
these are the exact guitars i have i also have a black acoustic fender guitar.
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again ."
i think this means that in order to be confident of yourself you have to do the same old thing you always do."a daily routine" wake up, brush your teeth, go to school, go home, do homework, sleep, repeat. that's how you become a confident man. by god. how does the teacher gets these amazing quotes. way better than any martin luther king quote. or a tupac shakur quote. no "all the white folks have the best quotes in dee damn interweb" if i had a penny for every time i have typed about a white mans quote in this class. i think i might be as rich as their president. "come on over to gabriels casino and otel to support our future president. so what if he owneed slaves and is racist and against everything. he's rich." *minutes later* (gabriel started war and is posting about it on twitter) when my dad talks about the presidemnt we currently have thats what i imagine in the next few years. i don't really understand why people voted for him. #makeAmericaGreatAgain
P.s. white people have no right to tell mexicans/african americans to get out because we came from somewhere. as you guys came from no where and took this land. so if we kicked you out :) you would have no where to go.
These are real motivating quotes. #tupaclivesinmyheart
Write a final all-encompassing reflection about the 10 Keys to Personal Power. How can they benefit you? Which keys are you applying now, and what difference are they making in your life? How will you incorporate the other keys into your Life Planning plans?
i will not fallow any of these ten keys. i will keep on doing what i'm doing. i will succeed in doing my homework. and i am gonna write a book with motivational quotes. i will show people what is good and bad. how not to discriminate. i will show them, we are all the same. god made us all the same. you teacher/proffesor/haymore are wrong for judging others for what they do. when the bible clearly says we shall not judge others. we are all made the same. we just got lost somewhere in the road. i am always observing to see what is up with the people. i can tell most of us are going through things. As i recall the first semester in this class you stated," You should be ashamed of yourself because you will never belike your sister. she would be dissapointed of you. you will never go to college with that behavior." if you don't believe me i have PROOF i recorded what you said. i didnt like the fact that you had no problem picking on him more than others. from what i've seen you only pick on pablo, jose, karen, and me. these keys had no impact on my life. the only one that can make a difference in this class is you. no quote from a white man will ever change me. first of all they don't know what they're saying most of the times. they blame everything on other people. and most of them are just "Mouth breathers" i know that you that saying go back to your country is bad and wrong and mean and you can get you can get checked. what i find funny is that if i were to tell an "american" that they would have no where to go. They took this land. they came from no where.
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